Practical Tips To Help You Pick The Right Camp Site

Camping outdoors is fun, especially when experienced with family or friends. If you are tasked to find the right location before camping in Emu Park, it is very important that you know the things that you should take into consideration. Remember that even while on the same site, camping locations might differ. So here’s what you must consider first.

Plan Ahead of Time

A lot of people will say that you will be camping in the wild so you should just ‘go with the flow.’ That’s not entirely true though. If you don’t even know where you’re going to camp, the set-up process upon arrival can take much longer. If you are not familiar with the place, it is best that you secure an updated map and have everything ready beforehand.

camping in Emu Park

Water Source

When you go camping, you have to use water for a lot of things – to cook, clean, and drink. That is why it is best that you set up your tent near a source of fresh water. Some people would choose to camp in the floodplain. However, when the weather forecast is not good, it is best to stay away from low-lying areas due to flash floods risks.

Where to Pitch Your Tent

You will need to pitch a tent to keep you sheltered from the rain and cold nights. You have to know where you can do it and make sure that it’s safe and secure. Here’s what you should consider before you set up your tent.

  • Higher Ground. When setting up your camp, make sure that you keep your sleeping area at least a few feet above the water. The last thing you want is to wake up in the water. Here, you can enjoy the cool breeze, making it more comfortable for you and your family of campers.
  • Flat and Smooth. Nobody wants to sleep and end up rolling down the side of the mountain because of how the tent was positioned. Remember that it doesn’t matter how beautiful the campsite is if you can’t find flat and smooth ground for your sleeping area. Also, when the ground is level, it would be easier for you to move around and do things more efficiently.

Camping At Emu Park

Fisherman’s Beach Holiday Park in Emu Park is definitely one of the best places to camp out. Used to be called Bell Park Caravan Park, this camping site is right on the beach. Sure, you can enjoy the camping life, but if your kids start to ask for more things to do, know that Emu Park is just a short walk away from where you can find great places to eat, a grocery store, a playground, and more. That is why this is the perfect place for campings and caravans.

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