In today’s day and age, where technology and the internet go hand in hand, we should ensure that our identity, reputation, and status are intact. This is especially true for individuals who have a business that has a strong internet presence. You wouldn’t want fraudsters to steal your brand name and use it so they can profit from it. That’s why you must be aware of the basic guidelines to guarantee that your business is safe from these kinds of people. Even celebrities are facing this kind of problem, with many people creating fake social media accounts.

Protect your business and brand identity now by following these simple but essential steps. It will save you from sleepless nights and headaches caused by these fraudulent people.

To-do List for a Safe and Secure Business and Brand Identity

Protecting your brand identity and business is very important, especially today. If you want to make sure that yours is safe, check on these guidelines and make sure that you are following them.

  • Checking Your Social Media Presence – Building your brand is easier today than many years ago because of the internet. You can reach many countries by creating a presence on social media platforms. Check your social name availability by using tools designed to search for brand, domain, and social names to ensure that yours is unique.
  • Trademarks – A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and a design that distinguishes your brand from other brands like yours. Take advantage of this by registering for a trademark to let people know that a symbol or a phrase belongs to your company.
  • Get a Patent – If you recently invented or created something unique to your business, getting a patent is vital. To put it simply, a patent will prevent thieves from selling, using, or making it. Keep in mind that patents expire, so renew it after several years.

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